Let's start a riot

Revolutionizing Work: NEOM

Let’s Begin if you're working 8 hours per day for 22 days per month for a fixed amount of money. Then possibly you are a victim of the old working system. Days after days of hard working with no rewards like extra money, percentage, or credit. Just sweat and countless work for the same old fixed amount of money and be sure of one thing: if no one complains, the horrible system will stay forever.

How It Will Change

The old system of working needs to change; location to be changed with new or old people who were working there. JUST REMEMBER: Make only death is what stopping you from being happy + wealthy.

In NEOM, the NEOM teams are constantly updating due to the fact that they are actually living on your wealth as a tourist or resident but without your money they will be poor. They are no more so your human’s cash is the heart of NEOM. Whole Regions created from 0% to please your human’s eyes and ears with crime rate as 0% so it’s only fun times and working times to get rich.

The Soulless People

Just remember those capitalist people have no soul or barely any if you are a poor human with no cash or few bucks. There is no place for you there except if you are skillful person who holds a skill that is required by the corporations there. It’s Painted from 0% for everyone.

Traveling to NEOM while it’s still under construction or to Dubai or Riyadh till NEOM gets ready is better than staying in your country that may possibly be destroyed by wars or debts right humans! NEOM is built from 0% and that alone is incredible. I mean literally incredible. NEOM’s team want to make everything rentable to have infinite money flow to keep the land safe and fun to live in.

Every Employee will take a percentage% from the revenue

If NEOM’s team did not do that sooner or later then it will be another phase of misery to the employees in NEOM’s accepted to operate inside it from the world or local corporations. It’s the only way you can make employees come to NEOM. To NEOM’s team just remember NEOM currently is under heavy pressure of being located in a desert and the revenue’s percentage to all employees are so brilliant to allow everyone to come to NEOM beside the safety in the WW3 times if it occurs. I believe NEOM project is meant to be successful project so successful that other projects manager similar to NEOM will be in a shock mode due to the amazing achievements of NEOM’s project.

Make it happen


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